When worldly pursuits or problems seem to captivate or close in upon me, I need to ask myself: Do I believe that the Everlasting Father gave His Son, the Prince of Peace, to rescue me? Do I heed the wonderful counsel of the Wonderful Counselor?
Read MoreThe purposes of God have never—ever!—been hindered by the blindness of men. There is no amount of rebellion against God that will thwart His divine foresight and planning.
Read MoreAcceptance of the world’s false messages may sometimes have an element of gratification in the here and now. But such a faith easily crumbles when the storms of life blow in. This is the classic formula which leads to cynicism.
Read MoreThe vastness of creation is beyond our comprehension, as is the depth of God’s love. Yet each serves as a testimony to the other.
Read MoreOur Redeemer came into the world to “lay hold” of each of us by the power of His love. His first role, from our perspective, is Creator. The Creator came into the created world as the Redeemer. When He had finished creating the heavens and the earth, He created a “sanctuary of time”.
Read MoreGod’s protection over us can be compared to an umbrella. There are many if… then statements from Him in His divine Instruction Book.
Read MoreWhile justification is instantaneous, sanctification is the progressive work of a lifetime.
Read MoreThe circumstances surrounding Jesus’ birth contain many reminders from the Scriptures as to the nature of our relationship with God. A “betrothal” was a serious commitment. It was to be permanent.
Read MoreBut in a brief few moments Zacharias invited doubt to enter, for his focus had shifted over to human weakness. Pause, beloved, and examine your own focus and faith. Do you wholeheartedly believe in the power of God to carry out what He has promised?
Read MoreLargely unnoticed by the world, the faith of Zacharias and Elizabeth must have shone brightly to the host of heaven in contrast to the darkness of those evil days.
Read MoreThe movements of the stars in the vast circuit of their appointed path have been compared to the purposes of God: there is no such thing as haste or delay. Our perception of time must yield in faith to the reality of the Lord’s timing in all things.
Read MoreThe attitude of the shepherds was undoubtedly sensed by the multitude of the other angels present—as yet unseen; otherwise they would not have suddenly revealed themselves all at once!
Read MoreThese wise kings made a great and perilous journey to behold and to worship the baby King, bearing costly gifts for Him. The entourage from the east was large and impressive. It is ironic that the Lord’s own people, in full possession of the Holy Scriptures, were unaware of His arrival.
Read MoreWe can be certain that Daniel was grateful for this up-close evidence of God at work on behalf of himself and his three friends. We know now that it was not only on behalf of these young teens, but for the salvation of the world!
Read MoreThese young boys, after seeing the destruction of their home and loved ones, were made eunuchs and placed under tremendous pressure to conform to the Babylonian way of life.
Read MoreAs faith increases, we are enabled to behold more of His glory. In taking our spiritual eyes off of Him, we will most likely stumble and fall. But even a dim vision of His glory reveals the tender love in His eyes; the fallen one is empowered to get up again and continue the walk of transformation.
Read MoreThe statements of Jesus have a conquering power on behalf of His eternal kingdom to come. He stands ready to impart grace now for victory over sin and selfishness to everyone who asks.
Read MoreThrough additions, deletions, and shallow comprehensions of the written word, the doctrines had been twisted and altered; in a word, corrupted. This resulted in false teachings regarding the character of God, causing many to reject Him. Others, in accepting the misguided teachings that had multiplied into systemic errors over time, were not serving God at all, but in actuality were serving the devil.
Read MoreAbram’s call was not to abandon his family and country, but to become God’s obedient servant—and thereby become God’s instrument to lead others heavenward.
Read MoreEvery human heart is the place where the principles of sin (pride and selfishness) have come to reside. The problem is magnified as these principles take up such a comfortable residence in our hearts and minds that we desire to live by them instead of living according to God’s standard.
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