And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born. Revelation 12:4b

In accordance with the Plan of Salvation, first announced in Genesis 3:15, the time came for the Redeemer to be born. Since Eden, the dragon has actively pursued one insidious plan after another, thinking to prevent the Seed of the woman from dealing him the prophesied head blow. Early on, upon observing the worship custom of righteous Abel, the dragon began to work his plan: inciting anger in Cain toward his little brother, leading to murder. For all he knew, perhaps Abel might have been “the Seed”. A pattern began to emerge when, working through Pharaoh, an order was issued for the midwives to kill the male babies born to God’s people (see Exodus 1:15-16). But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but saved the male children alive (v.17). The archenemy has continued to work feverishly against God’s servants who stand up against evil, as shown in historical reviews (i.e., Hebrews 11:32-38). But we are shown that love and reverence of God removes fear of Satan and his henchmen.

As the time approached for the final week of the seventy-week prophecy (Daniel 9:24-27) to be fulfilled, even Gentile wise men who had studied the prophecy understood the times, having easily calculated for a recognition of the season of the Messiah’s birth. The Christmas story of these wise men who traveled a great distance over dangerous territory to worship Him, in addition to poor Hebrew shepherds who understood the times better than the highly educated religious leaders, is a foreshadowing and a powerful warning for God’s last day people to watch, making certain to understand the times. Jesus scolded the Pharisees and Sadducees, for, in the abundance of evidence having been prophetically laid out for centuries, they held so tightly to their preferences that they refused to honor the Lord. “Hypocrites! You know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times.” (Matthew 16:3b)

Today’s opener refers to the dragon working through people in an attempt to destroy the baby Messiah as soon as [He] was born. We see the “strange bedfellows” of Herod and Roman soldiers (see Luke 2:1-18) acting out the dragon’s desperate attempt to block the prophecy of the coming Savior from its fulfillment. The heartbreaking story of all the male toddlers and babies ruthlessly murdered in and around Bethlehem provides a mere glimpse of the evil that has resulted from Lucifer’s cultivation of his covetous ideas. Be aware that he incites covetousness through lies that having this thing or that thing will make you happy. Herod’s heinous order – given to maintain his own status quo: his office as a client king – was carried out by Roman soldiers and foreshadows another event of strange bedfellows (leaders of God’s chosen joining with the Roman government) that was to come: the Savior’s crucifixion on a Roman cross. (see Luke 23:12)

These last days are undoubtedly bringing an onslaught of the most bizarre combinations of “strange bedfellows”, most of which are intended by Satan as mere diversionary tactics. They are meant to confuse people in general and draw the attention of God’s professed people away from what is actually happening: a massive, global plan that will be presented to the world as the solution to all of our problems. It will be lauded by churches and governments as they join hands to control people – for their “own good”. The plan will be rolled out on a bloody red carpet in a cloak of benevolence. It will be enforced by legislation. This is actually a repeat of what has happened before. Beloved, stay tuned to the Word of God and you will be safe! His name is called The Word of God (Revelation 19:13b).

The name of the LORD is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and are safe. Proverbs 18:10

College Drive Church