September 17: IMPACT

See it:

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45 (NKJV)

Obey it:

Three important principles to learn here:
1. Service broadens your impact. When we serve, we impact three groups of people in a positive way: the one who serves, the ones you serve, and the ones with whom you serve. This is especially important for the younger generation, who loves to see the church engaging the community in practical ways.
2. Service honors God, blesses people, and changes perceptions. A leading proponent of servant evangelism puts it this way: “Servant evangelism softens the hearts of persons who are not yet Christians—people who often think the church exists only for itself or that it only wants people’s time and money. By doing a ‘low-risk’ activity that shows ‘high grace,” those resistant to the faith may (now or in the future) become more open to the saving message of Jesus Christ.”
3. Service is more than an event. It is not something we do once in a while to placate the conscience, appease the leadership, or satisfy a requirement. In order to make this a priority in our churches, we must do four things: Schedule it. Fund it. Model it. Speak about it.

Share it:
1. Purchase large quantities of live bait at a bait shop and go to the local fishing hot-spot and give them away.
2. Bring rolls of quarters and detergent to a laundromat. As patrons enter, ask them if they’d like hot or cold wash. Note: this works best for women, as it may seem a bit odd for men to reach out to women in this setting.
3. Give away hand-cleaning towelettes in public shopping areas, as a practical way to freshen up.

My prayer today:
Lord, help me understand how service can impact our world for You. Amen.

Season of Service

Roger Hernandez