September 17, 2022

“What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this.” John 13:7

The old hymn Trust and Obey is a wonderful reminder that we may not necessarily understand the divine reasoning behind the Lord’s instructions. Yet, if we are true disciples of Jesus, we follow through in obedience. Obedience is often the very thing that opens our understanding to His reason—but whether or not this happens right away, we should always remember that His purposes are far greater than our miniscule comprehension of them. Having faith means trusting and honoring Him with my obedience. It is perfectly ok to say to Him, “Lord, I’m not sure why You told me to do this, but I know that You love me and I want to show love to You by honoring Your commands.” In a personal relationship with Jesus, my commitment is to the person of Jesus Christ who loves every person and wants the very best for each.

If my response to a divine instruction is to debate with myself, make a list of “pros and cons”, make an open display of my doubts, or check to see what others are doing, a dangerously unholy attitude is revealed. I must confess it to the Lord at once in order to avoid slipping into a lifestyle of doing all of those things. The most effective agents for Satan are professed believers who unwittingly misrepresent and malign the character of God rather than growing in His likeness.

Satan has subtly come into the church and effectively instilled a “herd mentality” among Christians. But we must remember that God builds His church by saving people individually: by inviting each one into a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus. This is the only way to be set free from wrong beliefs about God. It is the great lesson in the renaming of Jacob following his intense struggle with the Lord. Jacob determined then and there to follow God with all his heart and received the name Overcomer with God* (Genesis 32:28). Take a few moments to review the promises to him who overcomes spoken by Jesus in Revelation 2 & 3.

The eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him. 2 Chronicles 16:9

Growing toward spiritual maturity means looking less for God to exhibit Himself to His children but instead looking expectantly to Him to exhibit Himself in His children—namely you! This is when He will show Himself strong on your behalf. When the fact of your undivided loyalty to Him alone allows Him to do that, you will experience an indescribable inner joy—and you will radiate a winsome countenance that God uses to draw others to Himself. Filled with the Holy Spirit, your life becomes a joyfully urgent invitation to the world to get to know God while there is still time.

The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let him who hears say, “Come!” And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17

*This is what Jacob’s new name, Israel, means.

College Drive Church