September 10: STILL FIGHTING?

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.” Revelation 12:11

Many may wonder: If Jesus won the victory over Satan at the cross, why are we still fighting this war? The rebellion that began in heaven has changed locations. This earth is the battlefield, and the enemy is not going down without a fight. Certain of his own terrible end (see Ezekiel 28:18-19), he will ruthlessly take as many down with him as he can. Today’s opening verse is a continuation of the song begun in yesterday’s verse. It presents the divine solution given to us for overcoming the devil’s temptations, deceptions, illusions, and coercions. Many of these tactics are carried out by stealth, yet we can be fully informed. The Holy Scriptures are able to make [each of us] wise unto salvation through faith in Christ Jesus (2 Timothy 3:15).

From that long ago day when Satan fell like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18) some of the Lord’s angels and others among the unfallen beings in the universe had been undecided. But their firm and final decision for the Lord’s side of righteousness was made on the day of the cross of Christ.

The joyful song of the elders, filled with praise for salvation, strength, God’s kingdom, and Christ’s power, turns a focus onto their victorious human brethren. The secret to becoming an overcomer is laid out for us today. Instead of defeating Christ’s followers by accusing them before our God day and night, Satan finally begins to suffer his own defeat. Each accusation is turned back onto him by the sinner’s humble prayer of confession. The Lamb’s shed blood is claimed as a covering and produces victory in the lives of forgiven sinners. In love, the theme of thankfulness rings through each word of their testimony. Their loyalty to the Savior becomes more precious to them than their lives. Their positive influence upon worldlings helps them to also shift their focus toward eternity.

This war is not a military or a political one. But you can be certain that military might, political powers-that-be, legislative branches, and social media will link up to cater to the dictates of a counterfeit worldwide religious system (more on this soon). Do not allow these things to destroy your loyalty to the Savior. The war is raging between good and evil. The side of evil will paint good as evil and evil as good (see Isaiah 5:20). Your loyalty will indeed be tested, but know that the Lord allows the testing. It may be in little things, and it may also be a “baptism by fire”. When you are at the end of your wits, you are at the very place where His Holy Spirit can lead. Now allow Him to do it!

In the Sanctuary “map” of the plan of salvation, the first stopping place is the altar of sacrifice representing the blood of the Lamb. It leads all the way through to the end goal: the ark of the covenant containing the tables of the Testimony of the LORD. May the word of [our] testimony align with His Testimony, regardless of opposition!

Yes, and all who desire to live godly will suffer persecution. 2 Timothy 3:12

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all. Psalm 34:19

College Drive Church