October 21: URGENCY
Believe it:
And do this, understanding the present time: The hour has already come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. Romans 13:11
Live it:
We can learn three lessons from today’s text. We need to be:
1. Awake. A sleeping person, though alive, has become disconnected from reality. It doesn’t matter to Satan if you’re alive or not, so long as you’re asleep, for he knows that a sleeping Christian is an ineffective one. Hence the call to wake up. The reality of Jesus’ soon return as well as the millions that live far away from Him, should be the alarm that awakens a slumbering church. Wake up!
2. Aware. It usually takes someone a few moments to get oriented after he awakens. When we are already spiritually awake, we start to understand the times in which we live. It’s a lot harder for the devil to overcome us while we are awake and aware.
3. Active. Once we are awake and conscious of the reality that surrounds us, it’s time to take action. As Christians we cannot stay on the sidelines. Motivated by a sense of urgency, we need to be active participants in reaching our communities with the everlasting gospel. We need to see every person we come in contact with as a candidate for the Kingdom of God.
Share it:
Ask God to place someone in your path this week—one who needs to hear the good news of Jesus.
My prayer today: for the local church leadership
-Pray that God will keep the members awake, aware, and active.
-Pray that God will bring a spirit of unity to the leadership.
from God’s City, My City