October 1: GOOD NEWS
Believe it:
Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am the worst. But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His immense patience as an example for those who would believe in Him and receive eternal life. 1 Timothy 1:15-16
Live it:
We can learn three lessons from today’s text.
1. Our message is one of hope. Everywhere you look there’s bad news. If it’s not swine flu, it’s war. The economy is ailing, schools are failing, and crime is on the rise. But Christ’s church does not ally itself with this negative momentum. We bring a message of hope and faith. We bring good news. Notice these words from today’s passage: save, mercy, trustworthy, eternal life. God is good. Share the hope today.
2. Our message is for everyone. The message we preach isn’t only for those whose lives are all in order, who have solved their problems, and have everything under control. It’s for everyone, ourselves included. Paul calls himself the chief of sinners. An assassin and conspirator, Paul knew what sin was, but even more important, he learned what true forgiveness is.
3. The message must first make a difference in your own life. Paul used his life as an example. Our message is not one of only words. It is a real, living message that begins with each of us. We cannot be negative people giving a positive message. Remember, before it can be good news for others, the message must be good news for you!
Share it:
Call the three people you’re praying for and tell them that God loves them. Ask them if they have a need you can pray for.
My prayer for today: for the promotional campaign (fliers, announcements, and invitations)
-Pray that God will help people notice the announcements
-Pray that God will help people accept the invitation to attend.
from God’s City, My City