One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things. Revelation 9:12

Three is a number often used in Scripture for intensity. “Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts” (Isaiah 6:3, see also Revelation 4:8). God called out to the young boy Samuel three times before sending judgment upon Eli and his house (see 1 Samuel 3:4-8). Jeremiah, known as the weeping prophet due to the lack of response to his preaching, cried out saying, “O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD!” (Jeremiah 22:29) Peter’s attention-getting vision of the sheet of unclean creepy-crawlies provided a triple emphasis regarding overcoming prejudice as well as testing his faithfulness to foundational dietary boundaries (Acts 10:15,16,28; 11:9,18). Peter did well on both parts of this test, taking positive steps to overcome prejudice against Gentiles (many Jews, including Peter, called Gentiles by the detestable names of unclean vermin and swine) while holding fast to the excellent health habits taught in the Scriptures.

Before the return of Jesus, believers will be confronted with trying situations that will serve to strengthen their faithfulness to life principles given by the Lord. This time of testing, for many, will directly point to weaknesses that need to be strengthened, or errors that must be corrected. For those “sitting on the fence” this time of severe testing may help them to choose righteousness over the wicked ways they have been following. Still others—indeed many others—will harden their hearts against the marvelous, heavenly truths presented them, even while the most terrible evils march into every home and are paraded across the world.

It is evident to all who are paying any attention to the news that this world is steadily worsening. But those who have allowed their sensitivities to be dulled through their lifestyle choices will fail to discern that Christ-centered theology has been largely uprooted and replaced by man-centered philosophy. Though secular people have separated themselves from God purposefully, and professed Christians have separated themselves from Him unwittingly (due to compromise with the world), both groups have the same longing for spiritual values to fill the agony of emptiness and meaninglessness in their lives. Suicide rates are on the rise with no significant difference between the two groups. Ungodly habits amount to “suicide on the installment plan” in every case.

The fifth trumpet plague is a mere prelude to the sixth. Now is the time to look to the Lord for every need. Now is the time to trust Him fully, lest the upcoming tests approaching the world landscape dismantle a weak faith. Resistance to the transforming power of the gospel opens the door for Satan to enter in, taking his deceptions to deeper and deeper levels. Seek the Lord while He may be found, call on Him while He is near. (Isaiah 55:6) To distance oneself from the Lord is a deadly mistake!

The last three trumpets do not only announce woes to the world. They announce the coming of the Lord! It is in keeping with the prophetic Scriptures that the Lord’s coming is to rescue His people. Take heart! The Lord’s people should be well-informed that, right up until the end, growing belief and growing opposition will develop side-by-side. Which direction is your growth taking?

When you see this, your heart shall rejoice, and your bones shall flourish like grass; the hand of the LORD shall be known to His servants, and His indignation to His enemies. Isaiah 66:14

College Drive Church