The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, and trumpeters shall not be heard in you anymore. No craftsman of any craft shall be found in you anymore, and the sound of a millstone shall not be heard in you anymore. Revelation 18:22

Pleasant sounds and aromas are delightful elements of a happy community. The divinely decreed silence for Babylon corresponds to the silence of death and the grave: The dead do not praise the LORD; Nor any who go down into silence (Psalm 115:17). Babylon has been found guilty of using her seductive influence to lead worshipers of God, even little children (Matthew 18:6) into sin. Music is a powerful medium through which she accomplishes her goal.

There were hundreds of Hebrews present at the event billed as a harmless dedication of a statue (Daniel 3:2). But after bringing the assembly of his officials together, King Nebuchadnezzar had his herald announce a commandment that applied to all the peoples, nations, and languages of Babylon (compare v.4 with Revelation 17:15). It was a commandment to worship something other than the one, true God of all Creation; in this case a magnificent golden image. The prompt would be the sound of the horn, flute, harp, lyre, and psaltery, in symphony with all kinds of music (Daniel 3:5).

Babylonian music is ubiquitous, and more so today than ever before. Many music writers and performers have taken their God-given talents and misapplied them to satisfy the worldly desires of potential buyers, even making icons of themselves, instead of using their abilities for God’s glory alone. Out of all the Hebrews who attended this event, only three maintained their integrity. Hananiah (whose name means God is gracious), Mishael (Who is like God?), and Azariah (Helped by God). After being taken captive, they were made eunuchs and given Babylonian names: Shadrach (meaning command of Aku, the moon god), Meshach (Who is like Aku?), and Abednego (servant of Nabu, the Babylonian god of literacy and wisdom). This was Babylon’s cruel standard procedure to obliterate their original identities and to prevent them from reproducing. Does that sound like the devil’s work today? You know it does.

Sadly, the devil’s tactics are effective, given the fact of countless millions who find fault with God’s instructions for holy living. But even more powerful is the love of God through His Son. The very reason that His sacrifice is all-sufficient is that it addresses the “before and after” of every individual: life before the encounter with Jesus—the real Jesus—and a new life afterwards! Forgiveness plus restoration! The Lord’s intervention restores justice and brings an end to sin. His perfect life is our example, and His grace is our empowerment. He shows us in His word why He must bring an end to Babylon. No more designs (no craftsman of any craft) to lure people away; no more erroneous preaching (the sound of a millstone). His genuine love for all people is demonstrated even in this. The ultimate laying down of Babylon to rest forever is an act of mercy!

I will put an end to the sound of your songs, and the sound of your harps shall be heard no more. Ezekiel 26:13

Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever. Psalm 118:1

College Drive Church