Then a voice came from the throne, saying, “Praise our God, all you His servants and those who fear Him, both small and great!” Revelation 19:5
Due to the disheartening circumstances of our world, too often we feel a great distance between ourselves and the heavenly realm. But a study of the exchange between the various servants of God in this chapter again reveals the close connection between heaven and earth that we are meant to be a part of!
Who is the voice…from the throne? In light of previous introductions, it can be deduced that it is one of the four living creatures—or all of them in unison! Living and operating in the immediate proximity of God’s throne, these trustworthy, empathetic heavenly beings are no doubt endowed with authority to issue the invitation that begins with “Praise our God…!” The little word our reveals that we humans are being invited to join their activities. To say that this sincere invitation is a high compliment is an understatement. It is beyond magnanimous!
Is there any doubt about who is being addressed? Open your spiritual ears: “all you His servants…!” Are you, out of love for the Savior, living for Him? Admittedly, it is a serious and permanent commitment. But never forget that He is for you and with you in your desire to order your life in a way that is both pleasing to Him and potentially winsome to others. In case you, in focusing on your failures, cannot bring yourself to think that you are His servant, do you find that the fear of Him has aided [at least some of] your decisions? Such fear refers to a reverence for the Most High. It is a seed that can be tenderly planted, watered, and nurtured unto salvation! The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding (Proverbs 9:10). Beloved, He wants to be known by you!
Who is included in this invitation? Everyone, “both small and great!” This wording takes a giant leap for mankind (to borrow a phrase) over every conceivable earthly boundary, whether it be age, I.Q., political influence, worldly wealth, a terrible past, physical strength, spiritual knowledge, social status, gender, weakness, illness, poverty, you name it. No one is excluded from this invitation. This is exactly why it is shown to John and put in writing well ahead of the time of Babylon’s destruction.
Currently, Babylon’s agenda has worked up a great “head of steam”. Satan’s goal, behind the steam, is shifting people’s focus to the things of earth rather than the Savior, our Lord Jesus, and the eternal future which He laid down His life to secure for you and me. Many are so wrapped up in worldly politics that they suffer deep depression, even PTSD over election outcomes. They keep their finger on the pulse of current events ahead of their own spiritual wellness. Beloved, let it not be said of you! This very moment, Jesus is fulfilling the role of High Priest on your behalf, that you may not be subject to the shallow things of this lost world.
Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1b-2