And I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. Revelation 20:12
Today’s verse shines light upon verses 8 and 9 and refers to the second resurrection. This is the event that Jesus called the resurrection of condemnation (John 5:29). This group includes every unrepentant individual who has ever lived, from the small to the great. No person is too insignificant to escape God’s notice, for not even little sparrows are forgotten before God (Luke 12:6). And no one is too important, wealthy, or influential to escape God’s notice, including kings, commanders, the rich, the great, and the mighty (see 6:15 and 19:18).
Recently, a study was conducted that spanned 5 years of murder cases in one of America’s prominent, and crime-ridden, cities. Less than one-third of the cases were solved. Sadly, this is representative of the success rate in solving murders across our nation. Such statistics cause many to become cynical and say that killers are getting away with murder. But God’s people should never allow themselves to become cynical. In truth, no one “gets away” with breaking any of God’s laws.
Our Creator and Redeemer does not make a single judgment that is arbitrary, unfair, or ‘off the mark’. The Standard of judgment is the same for everyone. Our verse today speaks of the books of record and the Book of Life, kept in Heaven. But here on earth, we have been given the Book of books—God’s Word—which brings the convicting power of His Holy Spirit to bear upon each of us, here and now. There are two possible responses. The sincere believer finds himself in agreement with the Author of life, accepts His mercy which covers a sinful past with the blood of the Lamb, and receives His grace going forward to discover the Way into complete alignment with His will; all as laid out in His Book of books. What a priceless gift we are given in His Word! We have an enemy who has worked tirelessly for thousands of years to attack every precept presented in the Bible.
Today’s text focuses upon those who ignore His mercy, spurn His grace, and push away the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Their unwillingness to accept the divine invitation leaves them in the hopeless position of facing judgment according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. In addition, they find themselves without a Mediator before a Holy God.
The scene is this: before a watching universe, every single person who has ever lived is alive on the earth. The saved are inside the New Jerusalem, situated in a great, level valley just east of where the old Jerusalem once flourished (Zechariah 14:4). The lost are on the breadth of the earth surrounding the city. The walls are transparent (Revelation 21:18); those outside can see in and those inside can see out. At some point between the resurrection of the wicked dead and the execution of their final destruction comes a moment in time when all, including the lost, are in complete agreement that God’s judgment is just and fair.
At the name of Jesus every knee [will] bow…and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10-11 (see also Isaiah 45:23-25)