February 26: LEADING THE WAY!
Three gates on the east, three gates on the north, three gates on the south, and three gates on the west. Revelation 21:13
When the newly freed Israelites set up camp in the wilderness, their tents were set up in four orderly sets of three tribes each. Each of the four sets were directly to the east, south, west, and north of the tabernacle courtyard (see Numbers 2). The Israelite camp was set up on an open plain, and the view of them by their enemies from surrounding hills and mountains would have yielded a perfect cross! At that time, no one knew what a cross was. Nevertheless, the view from above was stunning. It served to boldly set God’s people apart from their enemies. The mere sight of the Israelite camp was like nothing ever before seen by their onlookers; it affected them powerfully, making them sick with dread (22:3). This dread is directly connected with rebellion against the Almighty.
There was only one entrance to the courtyard of the wilderness tabernacle, highlighting that there is but one entranceway (John 10:9) into Heaven for sinners. But they must not continue in sin (John 5:14; 8:11). Jesus is the only Way back to the tree of life, guarded for you and for me (Genesis 3:24).
But now, with all godlessness a thing of the past, the city of God has a welcoming entrance to correspond with each of twelve points on the compass. The twelve entrances will certainly be architecturally magnificent, but they also represent unlimited access by all of Heaven’s citizens to their beloved Creator, the God of love.
Pause and think of the unlimited access of our first parents before they sinned. We do not know how long they enjoyed their walks and talks with the LORD in the Garden. Was it days, weeks, or months? However long it was, they must have looked back with sadness and sorrow to know that their own actions were behind the consequence of lack of direct access. And ever since then, an indescribable longing deep within the human heart is experienced by every son and daughter of Adam and Eve.
Recall that Revelation 7 is the answer to the question posed at the end of chapter 6: For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand? The symbolic number of 144,000 (12 x 12,000) is another highly significant reference to the number twelve. We can glean two simple facts in this revelation: 1) His wrath is against sin: that which harms His beloved creatures; and 2) His sacrificial death is a demonstration of His great love, that each beloved one can receive forgiveness and a new beginning, apart from sin. Acceptance of His great Gift means you can lead others to accept it. Be a leader!
“They will come from the east and the west, from the north and the south, and sit down in the kingdom of God.” Luke 13:29
See also: Psalm 87:2 and Isaiah 26:2